domenica, gennaio 15, 2012

Android gallery hangs when showing thumbnails

[A post of mine on xda-developers]
When I open Gallery my Defy hangs. 
Looking CPU usage (via ADB) I see that the gallery process takes almost all the CPU.
Below a workaround for this problem.
Connect your device with adb (I use adb over wifi) and verify that your CPU is normal.

adb connect
adb shell
The "top" command prints cpu usage every 5 seconds or so.
Scroll up and take a look at the first line.

You should read low values for User and System % (mine is "User 0%, System 5%")
Start gallery on your device, now you should see the cpu usage very high, say over 90% for user.
The first process listed is the one hogging your cpu.
User 93%, System 5%, IOW 0%, IRQ 0%
User 292 + Nice 0 + Sys 16 + Idle 0 + IOW 0 + IRQ 3 + SIRQ 0 = 311

  PID CPU% S  #THR     VSS     RSS PCY UID      Name
 5243  93% S    12 122920K  31264K  fg app_209
The name of the process could vary (say
Write down the PID (in this case 5243).
Hit CTRL+C, adb exit.
Launch adb and take a look at the files held by this process, issuing 
adb shell
ls -l /proc/5243/fd
In the list you should see only one media file, the one that is blocking the gallery!!!
In my case it was 

Now you have to remove this file (if is important for you, you should copy elsewhere).

rm /mnt/sdcard/DoveConviene_icons/segnalino_ld-market@2x.png

My gallery now it's back to normality!!!!! (at least 'till another png will block it)

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